Cost-Sensitive Learning

报告题目Cost-Sensitive Learning

报告人:盛胜利 副教授 博导




报告摘要:In medical diagnosis, doctors often have to order sets of medical tests in sequence in order to make an accurate diagnosis of patient diseases. While doing so they have to make a trade-off between the cost of the tests and possible misdiagnosis. In this paper, we use cost-sensitive learning to model this process. We assume that test examples (new patients) may contain missing values, and their actual values can be acquired at cost (similar to doing medical tests) in order to reduce misclassification errors (misdiagnosis). We propose a novel Sequential Batch Test algorithm that can acquire sets of attribute values in sequence, similar to sets of medical tests ordered by doctors in sequence. The goal of our algorithm is to minimize the total cost (i.e., the trade-off) of acquiring attribute values and misclassifications. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm, and show that it outperforms previous methods significantly. Our algorithm can be readily applied in real-world diagnosis tasks. A case study on the heart disease is given in the paper。

报告人简介:盛胜利博士,德克萨斯理工大学计算机科学副教授和数据分析实验室创始主任。他的研究兴趣包括数据挖掘、机器学习、众包以及商业、工业、医疗信息学和软件工程中的相关应用。现任多家高级国际学术会议和期刊担任编委(ACM TKDD)和评审委员会委员,国际学期刊包括IEEE TKDE、IEEE TSMC、JML、ACM TIST、ACM TKDD、DMKD、IJITDM、JCST、IJISSS、INFORMS JOC 等。国际学术会议包括 ACM KDD, AAAI, Ubicomp、KDD、ICML、ICDM、IJCAI、BIBM、WI、PKDD、PAKDD、CCSC、DMIN、HCOMP、NAACL、INFORM等。盛胜利博士在国际学术会议和期刊上共发表论文300多篇。大多数论文发表在数据科学的顶级期刊和会议上,如PAMI、TNNLS、TKDE、JMLR、AAAI、KDD、IJCAI和ACMMM。其中CCF推荐的A类期刊和会议论文50余篇,谷歌学术统计单篇论文被引用最高达1300余次,累计被引用10150余次。共获得最佳论文等学术奖项8次,分别为2022年荣获WISE大会最佳论文奖; 2020 年荣获KDD大会时间测试研究奖; 2018年荣获ICCCS大会最佳论文奖和杰出贡献奖; 2015年荣获WISE最佳员工论文奖Finalist;2011年荣获ICDM大会最佳论文奖;2008年荣获KDD大会最佳论文奖亚军;2008年机器学习研讨会Google员工奖;2006年荣获IEEE Kitchener-Waterloo知识和数据挖掘联合研讨会最佳海报奖。研究成果已经运用到软件开发,医疗诊断, 和在线情感分析中,并与世界一流公司合作,实现技术产业化或是联合研究。